Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Vote

"Bad Politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote." ~William E Simon
I agree with this quote 100%.  It is very true and it shows that every vote matters.  And if you want a say in the way the United States is run the best way to do it is by voting.  People who complain that America is awful and blah blah cant really talk unless they voted and tried to at least make a difference.  

I did not vote in the last Presidential elections because I was not old enough.  And I never really followed any of it because it wasn't an interest to me.  But now as I look back and research both Obama and McCain I would have probably voted for McCain. One reason is because he knows what a war is like so he might have a better solution than anyone else.  Since he was not only in the navy but also a POW in the Vietnam war.  He also has a lot of political background so he knows what he is doing.

I also agree on his stand on abortion. If I was raped I might not be able to handle having a kid that came from that.  And also agree that places that do abortions or advocate them should not be publicly funded.  So even though I wasn't old enough to vote two years ago, If I could have voted I would have voted John McCain for President.

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to say that my vote won't matter, but in fact, it does, especially at the local level.
