Monday, November 29, 2010

The Super Bowl

I believe that the Super Bowl allows these types of advertising mainly for the money that they rack in from them.  They receive millions of dollars for only 30 seconds of air time.  So the money they receive overshadows the health risks that the items advertised has for Americans.  And it is not like the only time that they advertise these things is for the Super Bowl, even in everyday television commercials the majority of them are for fast food.  And I believe they advertise alcohol on Super Bowl Sunday because a lot of people drink while watching the game.  Beer is one of the most popular commercials during Super Bowls because a lot of people sit down and have a beer and watch the game.  So they take advantage of that and target their audiences.  That is why I believe the Super Bowl allows these types of advertising.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

TV Ratings

I believe that TV ratings can be very useful.  Before now I probably would have said that they are stupid and useless but now that I have a child it has changed my whole perspective. 

I would not want her seeing and watching shows that aren't appropriate or are violent or contain sexual content.  Although she is too young to understand when she does get a little bit older it will be a helpful way to monitor and decide what she can and can't watch. I think a lot of parents find this a useful tool. The way that every program on TV is rated is not only nice for parents but also for yourself to decide if what you are about to watch is healthy for your mind.  Sometimes watching violent movies can lead to violent behavior so by having ratings we can avoid certain material we don't feel like watching. 

So all in all I believe that ratings are a good thing to have and are helpful  for parents and everyone else who watches television programs.