Sunday, December 5, 2010

Deconstructing an ad

This ad hits home to me because it shows what women want to look like.  The "perfect" person.  She is beautiful and sucesful how could it get any better?  Every woman at some time in her life feels insecure and uncomfortable in her own skin. And for some reason the media feels that they should push this fact and get women to feel as crappy about themselves as possible so they go out and buy a certain product.  I believe it is ridicoulus the way that companies do this. A product might make you feel beautiful for a little while but eventually women need to realize that what is inside of them is the only thing that can truly make them feel happy and secure in there bodies and minds.

For a long time I felt like I wasn't good enough or pretty enough.  And I did everything I could to be prettier.  I bought a lot of makeup from covergirl so that is why I chose this particular ad.

Celebrities:  The celebrity that they use for this add is Drew Barrymore.
They use her because she is a famous actress.

Beautiful People:Drew Barrymore is a beautiful woman so she is a good person to try to sell covergirl cosmetics. Her beauty and the way the makeup suposedly makes her eyes look makes people want to buy it to look like her.

Assosiation:  This technique is used by taking a beautiful girl and making people believe that if they buy their product they will be beautiful and confident too.

Intensity:  This add has a lot of intensity.  The words at the bottom include: Glisten and big bold lashes.  This technique is used in almost every cover girl add in attempt to catch attention.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Super Bowl

I believe that the Super Bowl allows these types of advertising mainly for the money that they rack in from them.  They receive millions of dollars for only 30 seconds of air time.  So the money they receive overshadows the health risks that the items advertised has for Americans.  And it is not like the only time that they advertise these things is for the Super Bowl, even in everyday television commercials the majority of them are for fast food.  And I believe they advertise alcohol on Super Bowl Sunday because a lot of people drink while watching the game.  Beer is one of the most popular commercials during Super Bowls because a lot of people sit down and have a beer and watch the game.  So they take advantage of that and target their audiences.  That is why I believe the Super Bowl allows these types of advertising.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

TV Ratings

I believe that TV ratings can be very useful.  Before now I probably would have said that they are stupid and useless but now that I have a child it has changed my whole perspective. 

I would not want her seeing and watching shows that aren't appropriate or are violent or contain sexual content.  Although she is too young to understand when she does get a little bit older it will be a helpful way to monitor and decide what she can and can't watch. I think a lot of parents find this a useful tool. The way that every program on TV is rated is not only nice for parents but also for yourself to decide if what you are about to watch is healthy for your mind.  Sometimes watching violent movies can lead to violent behavior so by having ratings we can avoid certain material we don't feel like watching. 

So all in all I believe that ratings are a good thing to have and are helpful  for parents and everyone else who watches television programs.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Vote

"Bad Politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote." ~William E Simon
I agree with this quote 100%.  It is very true and it shows that every vote matters.  And if you want a say in the way the United States is run the best way to do it is by voting.  People who complain that America is awful and blah blah cant really talk unless they voted and tried to at least make a difference.  

I did not vote in the last Presidential elections because I was not old enough.  And I never really followed any of it because it wasn't an interest to me.  But now as I look back and research both Obama and McCain I would have probably voted for McCain. One reason is because he knows what a war is like so he might have a better solution than anyone else.  Since he was not only in the navy but also a POW in the Vietnam war.  He also has a lot of political background so he knows what he is doing.

I also agree on his stand on abortion. If I was raped I might not be able to handle having a kid that came from that.  And also agree that places that do abortions or advocate them should not be publicly funded.  So even though I wasn't old enough to vote two years ago, If I could have voted I would have voted John McCain for President.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Are we judging the wrong things?

You cant judge a book by it's cover.  That is a very true statement in my eyes.  Many Americans believe that looks are of number one importance.  That is what we are taught by the media even in our early years of life.

Judging people based on looks and not who they are as a person can greatly effect them, and also us.  Imagine if Abraham Lincoln wasnt elected to office just because he wasnt good looking.   He led the country through the civil war and ended slavery.  I believe he is one of the best presidents the United States has ever had.  Imagine if slavery was still around today. It would be possible if President Abraham Lincoln was never in office.

The visual attraction of candidates is of great importance now days all over the world.  Nobody seems to want an ugly president or congress person.  Back before television looks didn't matter as much because you never really saw them anyway, you only heard them on the radio.  So back then the way they spoke was of more importance.  So it changes over the years, so I'm just wondering...what will judge them on next?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Downloading Music Illegally

I have never downloaded music illegally before.  Although I believe that Music Downloading should not be illegal I think all music should be free to listen to and enjoy.  Although I can understand where the artists are coming from, if I was famous I would want to have people enjoy my music and listen to it for free. 
       I believe musical talent  is an amazing gift and should be shared to everyone with no cost.  I know this is unrealistic and will never happen because many artists only care about money and getting rich and famous.  Everything costs money even just the cost of living is great everywhere so I suppose without having people pay for music recording companies would make no money and neither would the artist. So in a way I do agree with the fact that music costs money to listen to.
   A lot of people, especially teenagers who download a lot of music aren't aware that it is illegal.  My friends for example had no idea burning CD's for friends was illegal.  Record companies seem to just assume that everyone knows the rules and laws on this topic. But in reality few people actually do, so if it is such an issue they should start educating kids and parents in schools.  This would end a lot of problems with teenagers downloading music.
     But I think the cost of music should come from buying cd's not from downloading on the computer.  I think if someone wants to download an individual song by an artist than it should be of no cost.  But when it comes to downloading albums then it makes sense to me why recording companies would want to have people pay.  Because it is representing that artist, and also the artist wouldnt get the pay he or she would expect if all of their music was free.  This would probably cause a lot of problems and maybe even eventually end the music industry so there would be no music to buy or enjoy. This is a very controversial issue so I think there should be some give and take in solving it.