Sunday, October 17, 2010

Downloading Music Illegally

I have never downloaded music illegally before.  Although I believe that Music Downloading should not be illegal I think all music should be free to listen to and enjoy.  Although I can understand where the artists are coming from, if I was famous I would want to have people enjoy my music and listen to it for free. 
       I believe musical talent  is an amazing gift and should be shared to everyone with no cost.  I know this is unrealistic and will never happen because many artists only care about money and getting rich and famous.  Everything costs money even just the cost of living is great everywhere so I suppose without having people pay for music recording companies would make no money and neither would the artist. So in a way I do agree with the fact that music costs money to listen to.
   A lot of people, especially teenagers who download a lot of music aren't aware that it is illegal.  My friends for example had no idea burning CD's for friends was illegal.  Record companies seem to just assume that everyone knows the rules and laws on this topic. But in reality few people actually do, so if it is such an issue they should start educating kids and parents in schools.  This would end a lot of problems with teenagers downloading music.
     But I think the cost of music should come from buying cd's not from downloading on the computer.  I think if someone wants to download an individual song by an artist than it should be of no cost.  But when it comes to downloading albums then it makes sense to me why recording companies would want to have people pay.  Because it is representing that artist, and also the artist wouldnt get the pay he or she would expect if all of their music was free.  This would probably cause a lot of problems and maybe even eventually end the music industry so there would be no music to buy or enjoy. This is a very controversial issue so I think there should be some give and take in solving it.

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